Hi, it’s nice to meet you.

Hello and welcome to Picture Perfect Hangings first blog entry.  I’m Daniel and I thought it might be best to start with my story.  

It started in my early teenage years – dad was running an art gallery, and I was his assistant, helping hang and rearrange artwork.  As I progressed through school and university, I would often be in and out of dads gallery, helping where I could, but always focused on my desire to work in the commerce industry.

After university, I lived in London for 5 years, working in a finance role, but realising more and more that the 9-5 office job was just not for me.

When I returned to Melbourne, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t return to an office job, and instead I went on the hunt for a job that would make me happy.  Whilst I was on this hunt, I started helping dad out again – this time with his picture hanging business.  I did this on a part time basis, whilst searching for that elusive job that would make me happy, but I quickly realised that job was right under my nose.  

The more time I spent hanging pictures, the more I realised that I genuinely loved what I was doing – being able to bring joy into peoples homes, helping them love pieces they hadn’t previously connected with, and helping them solve design headaches, were just some of the things I hadn’t realised being a picture hanger would involve.  Not to mention the fact that no day is ever the same, and always brings with it a new and exciting challenge.

So I decided to stay on with dad as his lead picture hanger.  Months turned into many happy years, and the plan was to eventually take over the business when he retired – but then Covid-19 happened.  Unfortunately it was no longer viable for our plan to work, and with his blessings, we decided the best path for us both was for me to go out on my own.

I’m very proud to be launching this business, and being able to provide my unique picture hanging service to the Melbourne (and surrounding) market, and I hope to hang with you soon!

Daniel Unitt

Daniel is a professional picture hanger, based in Melbourne, Australia.


Mirror, mirror.